5 Reasons Raised Beds ROCK!

If you've been gardening in Colorado at all - or if you've tried to dig a single hole - you'll know that our soil is pretty....rough. It's full of clay and rocks. We do live in the Rocky Mountains after all! It can make starting a kitchen garden hard to do. Not just for our bodies and muscles, but also because it takes TIME to to turn that hard, clay, rocky soil into lush, nutritious garden soil.

But we can start our gardens out right by using raised beds!


Number one on my list is always going to be soil since healthy plants start with healthy soil. When we use raised beds we get to create our OWN soil full of rich, organic material and plenty of room for water and air to flow through. The soil is not walked on so it doesn't get as compacted as the soil in the ground. Water has a chance to drain through the soil which keeps plants healthier, and keeps you from dealing with root rot, mold, and mildew.

Less weeds

Because we are controlling the soil, we also reduce the risk of tilling dormant weed seeds into our garden space. Less time weeding means more time enjoying the garden and your harvests.

Extend your growing season

Raised beds warm up sooner in the spring and stay warmer in the fall. This means that you can plant (and harvest!) earlier in the spring than you would be able to in the ground. And as the days cool off, you'll be able to grow longer into the fall, especially if you're using season extenders like hoops and frost cloth.

Comfort while gardening

Instead of spending your time crouching or bending over to the ground, raised beds allow us to bring the ground to us. And as someone who plays for team bad back, this is especially helpful when we plant, tend, and harvest from the garden.

Aesthetic appeal

Raised beds can also add aesthetic appeal to your space. Even in the middle of winter, beds add beauty and interest to your landscape. Beds can be made out of a variety of food safe materials including wood, stone, steel, or brick to compliment your home, existing landscape, and style.

Whatever type of veggies you are trying to grow starting off right is an absolute MUST.

Ready to build your raised beds? Schedule your free 20 minute discovery call to get started.


My favorite natural fertlizers


Your Garden in Winter