Planning your garden

Yes, it’s January. Yes, the weather can’t make up its mind. And yes, it is time to start thinking of your spring garden. Yes, Elisa Mack, I’m talking to you too!

It’s important to go into each season with a new plan. Look back on previous years gardens. Think about what worked and what could have gone better. What things would you like to change? What would you keep the same? Did you plant something last year that you didn’t eat? Or do you want more of another crop? Were you troubled by a pest or other outside source?

These are all important questions to ask yourself when you are planning out your garden.

Once you have the answers to these questions, you’re ready to start planning your garden.

Step ONE: Make sure you know the space where you are planting. Measuring your space and charting the sun will help you understand which plant can grow where.

Step TWO: Think about what your family will eat. If your family does not eat kale, there is no point in growing kale in your garden.

Step THREE: Look through seed catalogues and seed websites and order your seeds. Try to do this sooner rather than later as seeds WILL sell out.

Step FOUR: Start your seeds. Make sure to get your free Guide to Winter Sowing to learn about my favorite method for starting seeds.

Summer garden harvest. Beets, corn, strawberry, tomato, cucumber, corn, shishito, okra, and kale

What did I learn last season?

Last season I made some mistakes. Here’s the biggest: I usually plant an inground 3 sisters patch using the mounding method. My cornbread obsessed brain decided to almost quadruple the amount of corn I usually plant in the space and it was TOO MUCH! The corn completely shaded the squash which hardly produced vines much less fruit. So this year I will learn from the mistake and fix it for the next season.

Need some guidance in the garden this season? Let Auntie M’s Garden help!
Click here to schedule your free 20-minute consultation call.


Why seeds matter


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