Kickstart Your Denver Kitchen Garden: 4 Early Spring Planting Tips

Hey, Denver Gardeners! As spring approaches, it's time to strategize and prepare for your garden's first harvest.

If you snagged a copy of our Denver Kitchen Garden Guide (high five!), you're already ahead of the game for your Colorado spring garden.

But, let's dig deeper and cultivate those green thumbs with some pro-level tips for your first harvests!

In this blog, you’ll learn:

  • Choosing the Right Early Spring Crops for Denver

  • Tips for Indoor Seed Starting

  • How to Protect Your Seedlings

  • Strategic Garden Planning

Choose the Right Early Spring Crops for Denver’s climate

Seeds to Start Early in Colorado

It’s important to understand what you can plant now, especially in our high altitude location.

Some vegetables can be planted early, while you should hold off on others until the warmer days arrive.

In Denver's climate, certain cool-season crops like peas, lettuce, carrots, and radishes are eager to start their journey now. So, plant away!

Veggies like tomatoes, peppers, and squash need to wait for the sun to turn up the heat.


Start some seeds indoors in Denver

Even though most cool crop seeds can be sown right outside, sometimes the sun's low angle cramps our style. Don't worry, though, indoor gardening is here to save the day!

Sure, root veggies like carrots & radishes prefer to be planted directly in your garden bed, but other cool season crops? They're fine with that indoor life. Get them started indoors now!


Protect Your Seedlings from colorado’s Spring weather Surprises

Denver's weather can be unpredictable in spring, so be ready with some protection for your precious seedlings.

Simple solutions can make all the difference! A sheet or blanket thrown over seedlings when snow is coming can save them from the harshest cold.

Or a frost cloth over low hoops that stay in the garden beds works wonders too.

A little coverage goes a long way in Colorado.


Frost Covers in Denver Garden in Spring

plan your garden strategically

Think ahead about the placement and timing of your crops. Your garden is like a strategic game of Tetris.

Some crops will be there for the long haul, so think about where and when you'll be planting your warm season seeds. Look for early maturing varieties to make the most of your space.

(Psst… Check out our new Garden Ruler to help you plan your space perfectly!)

Arranging early-maturing varieties alongside your later summer plants will optimize your space and harvest in your Denver garden.

WANT HELP? Schedule a discovery call today, and we’ll chat about your garden strategy!

Remember, the best way to learn is by doing. So even if you start small, every sprout is a step closer to becoming a cool season legend!

Need to wake up your garden before the spring season starts? Check out these posts on how to wake your garden beds for spring and extending your growing season.

Have questions or want to share your gardening success stories?

Save this Blog on Pinterest!

Denver Gardening 101 Early Spring Planting Success!
Spring Gardening Must Dos in Denver Colorado
Spring Tips for Denver Backyard Gardens

**This post may contain affiliate links, which means I earn a small profit if you click on the link to make a purchase. Other links are not sponsored, because I also like supporting small, local businesses.**

Meet the Gardener

I’m Elisa Mack - a mom and Denverite who went from being a green-ish thumb to a kitchen garden fanatic simply by dedicating myself to the study of all things Colorado gardening.

Landscapers don’t design. And nurseries don’t make house calls.

We take a more full-service approach, from designing your dream garden to keeping it beautiful year-round.

And as your coach, I’ll help eliminate the guesswork through every season, no matter your level of knowledge.

read more on the Blog


Denver Gardening Guide: Planting Early Cool Season Crops in Colorado


Growing Carrots in Your Denver Backyard Garden